Research Blog 10: Abstract and Works Cited


This paper explores Freud’s Jewish upbringing, and the effect it had on his dream theory. While Freud openly disagreed and disapproved of dream interpretation in the bible, he still studied various other Jewish texts which line up with his beliefs. This paper discusses Freud’s theories on dreams, and Jewish theories on dreams. Some match up and some do not. The argument of this paper is that Freud’s dream theory was influenced by his Jewish upbringing and sometimes directly by Jewish texts. Nonetheless, Freud rejected any parts of Judaism that could not be explained through science. 


Berg, Philip S, and Michael Berg. The Zohar: The Complete Original Aramaic Text. New

York: The Kabbalah Centre, 2007.

Epstein, Isidore. The Babylonian Talmud. London: Soncino Press, 1948. Print.

Freud, Sigmund, and James Strachey. The Interpretation of Dreams. Avon Books, 1998. 

Frieden, Ken. Freud's Dream of Interpretation, State University of New York Press, 1990.

ProQuest Ebook Central, detail.action?docID=3408353. Created from rutgers-ebooks on 2021-02-17 16:01:53.

H., Berke, Joseph. The Hidden Freud : His Hassidic Roots : His Hassidic Roots, Taylor &

Francis Group, 2015. ProQuest Ebook Central,

Kaplan, Robert. “Soaring on the Wings of the Wind: Freud, Jews and Judaism.” Australian

and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 17, no. 4, Informa UK Ltd, 2009, pp. 318–25, doi:10.1080/10398560902870957.

Kramer, M. Insights from the “Dream Book” of the Babylonian Talmud [200–500 ce]. Sleep

Vigilance 2, 79–85 (2018).

“The Book of Bereishit (Genesis): Chapter 37.” Bereishit (Genesis): Chapter 37, 

Tierney, John. “When Did Your Dreams Come True?” The New York Times, The New York

Times, 25 Mar. 2009, dreams-come-true/#:~:text=For%20both%20dreams%2C%20we%20asked,dream%20that%20had%20come%20true. 


            LANGUAGE OF ALLUSION.” Hebrew Studies, vol. 52, no. 1, National Association of Professors             of Hebrew in Institutions of Higher Learning, 2011, pp. 353–62, doi:10.1353/hbr.2011.0031.


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